A Dashboard is a powerful launch point to show all the system’s features and characteristics. Anapact’s Dashboard will only display processes or data ...
On the Dashboard Page, go to the top left corner of the page. Next to your Username, click the icon: A pop-up menu should show up: Select the “Chan ...
Once the Administrator completes set up of the new user in the system, the user will receive a system generated welcome email with log in instructions and a web link to go to initi ...
To create a new user, navigate to Users > User Management Dashboard. Click the Create New User button to setup a new user. The page to create a new user will launch (s ...
From the main Dashboard Menu, go to Contract Type> Manage Contract Type. Navigate to “Create New Contract Type” then click it to start the process. & ...
To create a chart, navigate to Reports > Chart tab and click the Add button. A pop up will appear. Set the parameters for the chart that you will be making, n ...
Users can revisit the setup of Contract Type(s) from the Contract Type Dashboard: On the Contract Type Dashboard, search for the contract types from the list. Users may utilize ...
Contract Templates can be edited in the system. There are several reasons a user may revise the Contract Template. In Anapact, if the Template is not yet final, users ...
To Inactivate a Contract: Go to Manage Contract Template> All Templates. Search for the Contract Template that needs to be inactivated. Click the pencil icon to initiate t ...
Anapact allows user to edit a setup for any existing Team in the system. Users can update or edit the setup of their Team in the system. To Edit a Team: On the ...
The Contract Type Dashboard have available options to search for a type of Contract. Contract Dashboard List - Users can search for the contract by scrolling down the list or by ...
Anapact is a Contract Management Software built for various organizations that require a systematic method of managing business-critical documents. This Enterprise CLM Soluti ...
Contract Approvers can examine the contents and formation of the contract to ensure legitimacy of the contents. Once the Contract is reviewed and analyzed, Approvers can &ldq ...
When using dashboards in Anapact, you are creating a list of filters from metadata that you have entered in your account. The system will create a search and will show the results ...
There are four ways to create a contract: Import New Contract, Bulk Contract, Quick Contract and From Template Creating a contract via Import New Contract Navigate ...
Anapact allows users to be set up as “Inactive” if a need arises. Once the user is set as inactive, access and permissions will no longer be valid in the system. ...
Users may opt to inactivate a Contract Template if the template is no longer valid or needed. To Inactivate a Contract Template: Go to Manage Contract Template>All Templates ...
Anapact allows different types of Contracts to be setup in the system. The purpose of the Contract is to establish a specific agreement between two or more parties. Thi ...
The “Edit User” page enables Administrators to modify the details of a user's record. System Administrators are able update a user’s profile for any changes. ...
Anapact features menus with specific icons that can help users to easily navigate the system. To access the Dashboard Menu, simply hover to the left corner of the Dashboard Page wh ...
Users that are setup in the system can initiate the “Forgot Password” feature. An accurate email address will be required when a user lost or forgot their passwor ...
Anapact uses a method to authenticate the identity of the user. The login process requires a Username and a Password. The combination of the user’s email address and pa ...
Anapact allow users to modify setups of Contract Types if changes are required. Go to Manage Contract Type. On the Dashboard, search for the Contract Type that nee ...
On the User Management Dashboard, search for the user to grant specific permissions. You can click the User Name column to sort the results or use the filter button found on each ...
If a team is no longer operating, it can be inactivated in the system. However, the system will verify if the team have current contracts or awaiting other processes. To Ina ...
A template is a starting point for a new document. Anapact supports formation of Contract Templates to efficiently create similar documents to help manage business needs.&nbs ...
From the Home Menu, navigate to Template> Manage Contract Template> All Template> Create New Template. &nbs ...
Contract Detail Contract Name* Enter the name of the Contract. Contract Type* Select the Contract Type. Click to expand, or &nb ...
Numerous companies rely on contracts to protect their corporate interests, assets, and ultimately their profitability. Several challenges can be encountered in managing vital ...
My Approval Queue allows contract Approvers to examine the Contract Template that they need to approve. Once the Approver reviews and validates the Contract Template, the Approver ...
Manage teams is a process that allows resources to organize a team in the system to coordinate business-critical documents or contracts for a specific group of resources for a comp ...
Reports are coordinated structures of data in a document that can present enough information on various aspects of the business. Data collected from Reports can also play a m ...
Choosing a strong password that cannot be jeopardized is important. Anapact validates the password to ensure it meets the minimum requirements. It is recommended to have a st ...
The Contract Dashboard has several elements that can be used to search for a Contract. Contract Dashboard List Users can search for the contract by scrolling down or ...